
Three Notable Events Catered by Casablanca Hire

Casablanca Hire has been growing by leaps and bounds since it was first established more than 15 years ago. Over the years we have provided catering for some of the most important annual events in London and beyond. This is not to say that we have sidelined our smaller clients - in fact, they remain our core focus and we continue to service them with dedication to excellence. Whether you have a garden party, a corporate event, a wedding or just a get together you can call us for marquee hire, table and chair hire, cutlery hire and more. Here are a few notable events that we have worked for in the last year. The Queen's 90th Birthday Party This was one of the biggest celebrations of the year in the UK and we are proud to tell you that we were invited to cater - we were invited to provide hedge settings and we worked tirelessly to ensure that hedges were perfect throughout the 3 day event. Our team coordinated with other caterers to match all settings and decora

4 Reasons You Need a Marquee in the Garden

If you would like to know more about marquee hire services please click here otherwise carry on reading. Ok, so, you are planning to host an outdoor party this summer for your family and friends. You are worried about one thing though - will the weather hold? Summer showers are not uncommon and they can turn any event into a scramble for cover. If, however, you choose to have a marquee in your garden you will not have to worry. It allows you to hold an outdoor event but with protection from the elements. Marquees have been around for a long time and many people continue to trust them for all kinds of events. Whether you are having a wedding, a corporate party, a barbeque or just a get-together you can trust a marquee to help you throw the perfect party. Here are 4 reasons why you should choose a marquee in the garden for your next event: 1.    A marquee is the perfect blank slate. It is a big, white tent that you can partition and decorate the way you want, to sui

SEA LIFE London LATES with Prosecco

Photo Credit by: Are you thirsting for a glimpse of underwater sea life? Or maybe a quiet place to have a romantic date? Why not book an evening out at the London Aquarium ? This year they have a series of special events on 7th September and 26th October where you can enjoy aquarium views to your satisfaction. The evenings start at 7.15 with a shark walk at the Pacific Reef display where you can see sharks in their natural habitat just below your feet. You will then be invited to enjoy a glass of Prosecco and then go down two levels below the surface to see giant green sea turtles, a huge Cuban crocodile and lots of clown fish. Here you will also see the largest sharks that London has to offer as well as an astonishing array of jellyfish. These events are adults only so you cannot bring your little ones along. Don't worry though - there are plenty of day shows for your children to enjoy. You can explore the aquarium at your o

A Tour of London is not Complete without a Visit to the Buckingham Palace

London can be a bit overwhelming if you are visiting for the first time - there are lots of people, plenty of traffic and lots and lots of things to do and see. Your visit, however packed your schedule is, will not be complete if you don't make some time to see Buckingham Palace. This is where the Queen lives and its doors are open to the public every summer. If you have ever wondered how royalty lives this is your chance to find out. Buckingham Palace has lots to offer. You will enjoy plenty of art from masters such as Rembrandt, Rubens, Vermeer, Poussin, Canaletto and Claude, sculptures, porcelain as well as some of the finest furniture in the world. This year there is an extra special reason to visit Buckingham Palace - the gifts that she has received over the years from various personages are on display for the public to enjoy. Buckingham Palace is also home to what is arguably the most beautiful staircase in the world. It is lit by a glass etched dome in t